Sports Psychology And Pitching: 14 Tips To Be Mentally Tough On The Mound
Every week I get calls from pitchers, pitchers of parents and coaches with questions about the mental aspects of the mound in pressure situations.
pitchers at all levels of baseball can fight with confidence, focus, relaxation and negative self-talk. It can happen to little leaguers and major leaguers.
When a pitcher loses his ability to stay mentally tough, his mechanics, his velocity, his ball movement and his command of the strike zone all be worse.
Here are some tips to help parents of baseball players, pitchers and pitching coaches with some of the mental aspects of pitching in a baseball game.
1st Keep in mind that the pitchers an advantage over hitters seventy-five to eighty percent of the time. Consequently, pitchers are nice edge to the beginning.
2nd If you throw your first pitch as the strike your edge goes up a little more.
3.NajvaĹžniji plot the next course you throw. You need to stay in the present.
You must train your mind to stay in the here and now.
4th When you pitch, you must have no thought or what might be seen as an empty mind.
5th Develop a mantra when you're on the throw to the batter. Here are some suggestions: Throw strikes. Throw inside. Let go. Grip it and rip. I am the boss. Eyes on the goal. I love this game. Throw it past him. Control Panel.
6th Your relationship with your coaches and your catchers are crucial. Do what you can on and off the field to build strong relationships with these people.
7th Study hitters carefully and keep accurate records of what works and what does not work against players that you face several times.
8th Understand and accept what you can control and what you can not control.
9th You do not have to be perfect. You have to throw strikes twice as often as you throw the ball.
10th Evolving more pitches. If you master the five pitches, hitters have a tough time guessing right as to what is coming.
11th Never engage in negative thoughts on the mound. If you do not feel confident, relaxed, focused and ready to step to the mound to collect themselves.
12th Know your strengths and your weaknesses.
13. Have a goal with every pitch.
14th Learn how to use self-hypnosis, visualization and meditation to get to their ideal performance state of mind.
Tags: baseball mental aspects, baseball psychology, pitching tips, sports psychology and pitching, sports psychology pitching tips mentally tough mound

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