Modern Trends in Sports Administration and Management
One of the major factors militating of sports development in Nigeria today is the lack of effective upravljanja.Mnogo solutions offered by word and patriotic Nigerians on a daily basis we bail out the bilge. One such solution is the article entitled "Modern Trends in Sports Administration and Management." It was written by Dr. Joseph Awoyinfa, a lecturer in the Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, Faculty of Education, University of Lagos, Nigeria, researcher and educational consultant. I was the person invited by the university to review the books when it is unveiled on the 4th Desember 2008 Nigeria.
According Awoyinfa, it is true throughout the world that sport is still a reference issue that can not be ignored in the various sectors and spheres života.Autor adds that this text is thus a critical look at current issues in sports administration and management, flat on the theories and principles of modern trends in sports administration and management, such as leadership, organization, planning, motivation, etc.
text contains 16 chapters. Chapter one is baptized, "the concept of sports management." Here Awoyinfa says management is a concept that means different things to different people at different times, leading to many of their definitions. He explains that the management has been described variously as art, science, the person or persons, discipline and process.
This author expatiates it as art, sport management is all about performance sports organizational functions and tasks of the people, while as a science, sports management is the establishment of sports philosophy, laws, theories, principles, processes and practices. As an organization, he said, sports management is defined as a means of creating formal structures and the establishment is based on the mission, goals, objectives, functions and tasks.
Awoyinfa says a person or group of people, sports management may refer to the head alone, or all senior staff, board, etc., while as a discipline, management is an area of research with different themes and illuminates the teme.Autor sports management as a process is about a systematic way of doing things. Awoyinfa emphasizes management positions in sports administration in the planning, organizing, staffing, directing / leading, management, coordination, budget and evaluation. To whom is the sports agent, the author educates the sports agent is anyone at any level of organization of a sport that focuses
efforts of others to achieve organizational objectives of sports-wise.
Chapter two is based on the subject of evolution and trends in sports management thought. Here Awoyinfa reveals that the development of thought on the management of sports dates back to the days when people first tried to accomplish goals by working together in a group. In his words, "There is serious thinking and theorizing about managing for many years before the dawn of the twentieth (20th) century, which marked the beginning of the modern sports management thought. Great efforts to develop theories and principles of sports management started from the beginning of the twentieth (20 ) century with the work of Frederick Taylor and Henri Fayol. industrial revolution of the nineteenth (19th) century, probably provided the air for this very serious theorizing ."
Awoyinfa adds that since the early 20th century writers on the sports management and business theories are propounding various theories about how to manage the work and staff efficiently and effectively. The author educates the three main schools of thought control are standard, human behavior and integrative. Awoyinfa also emphasizes early sports management theorists, principles and characteristics of scientific management. Evaluation of scientific management theory, etc., in this chapter
Chapter three topics marked as "principles of sport management." In this chapter, the educator explains that sports are the main principles of the laws on which the practice of sport management is built. He adds that the principles of management, therefore, must be based on the general conditions for them to apply the sports organizations of different size and character. "Modern sport managers and administrators are expected to be able to identify and use appropriate principles that are relevant to the particular situation. This is because no principle can meet all the administrative situation," said Awoyinfa.
states the fundamental principles of sport that apply to all sports organizations and as a result of their general acceptability, they are sometimes called "general principles of sports management." This author expatiates that some of these principles are: accountability, delegation of authority and communication. Regarding the humanitarian principles of sport management, Awoyinfa recognizes them as democracy, justice, human relationships, sympathy, empathy, consideration and humility.
In the fourth chapter is based on the concept of behavioral and motivational theories in sport organization, the author says that human beings are unique creatures as they behave differently in different conditions and generally difficult to predict. Awoyinfa emphasizes that, since human beings are the most important element in sport organizations, sport managers need some understanding of why people behave in one way or another, so that they (sports managers) can influence people to do exactly as sports organizations find desired.
A potent instrument of this author suggests that it can be used to cause the performance of the athlete's motivation. According to him, "Motivation is something needed to sports organizations that employees perform.
However, it was an important and intriguing subject for sports managers' Awoyinfa further discusses the development of motivational concepts in the sports organization. Applications of motivational theory to sport management. The methods of behavior modification, etc., in this chapter
In chapters five through ten, the author of framing his analytical spotlight on issues such as management techniques in sports organizations, the concept of sport organization, set designs in sports organizations, the concept of planning in sports management, sports development organization more effective in Nigeria and staff in the sports organizations.
Chapter 11 is based on communication strategies in sports organizations. According Awoyinfa here, communication is a key factor in any organizational effectiveness, because the organization can not function effectively if they lack the communication skills among members. "Since the communications moving spirit in the organization, its absence can make the organization of sleep," says the author.
In chapters 12-16, Awoyinfa X-rays of concepts such as organizational change and development in sport management, leadership in sports administration and management, administration and management of football as a coach, learning, human kinetics and health education in schools and universities, and organizations and school administration at different levels of education.
As to the manner of presentation, the text scores a passing grade. For example, a user-friendly language and ideas are brilliantly artikulirani.Jednostavnost language is expected, given by the dual professional background as a lecturer and pastor. To ensure easy study of the text on the reader's part, Awoyinfa out objectives for each chapter at the beginning and end of the review / audit issues.
Moreover, the creative embroiders on the text with images (p. 50, 97, 317, 330, 338, 395, etc.) to enhance the reader's understanding through visual communication. Awoyinfa include references to the end of each chapter to fulfill the obligation of academic resources to detect and offer readers a chance to read more. Inclusion of many references also confirms the depth of his research. Its use of visual difference for the term "modern trends" in the title is highlighted creative.
If there is a chapter of this text is really qualified as a compendium of modern solutions for administrative and management problems plaguing our sports development in Nigeria, they are chapter four, eight, 11 and 13 years. This is because the debate about the motivation, planning, communication and leadership respectively.
Meanwhile, the largest thematic section of chapter four. The fact that consciously or unconsciously take to be the largest section is the practical expression of a deeper communication and connection between his case on one side and the outer front cover in a metaphorical or allegorical image paintings as a goal post, cycling races, lawn tennis players ready for action with his bat, and sprinters competing players fighting for possession of the ball, on the other side. These images illustrate the motivational discourse.
However, some errors were noted in this tekstu.Pogreške the "confession" (p. III), instead of "thank you", not a natural-paragraphing the first few paragraphs of the "Preface", "Loosing" (p. 396 and 404), instead of "loss", etc. These mistakes must be corrected in the next edition.
For the final touch to the analytical, the text is a compendium of compelling sports management advice. It is mandatory reading for all stakeholders in the sports sector, especially managers and administrators. It is simply fascinating.
GOKE ILESANMI, Editor-in-Chief/CEO ui consultant / CEO Gokmar Communications Consulting, a certified public speaker / Emcee (Business) Communication expert, motivational speaker, Career Management Coach, also known book reviewer, Corporate Leadership Expertise and editorial consultant.
For a business discussion, do it on 234 (0) 8055068773, 234 (0) 8056030424
Tags: Management, modern trends sports administration management, Nigeria, sports

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