Neurofeedback Assisted Sports Performance Enhancement
neural networks in the brain, which consists of billions of neurons, interconnected through several millions of synaptic connections, creating awareness or consciousness. This network is active even during our sleep. This network of neurons transmit information, through the generation of electric potential variations, also called the action potencijala.Jedan response, involving hundreds of thousands of neurons, and it creates a wave of electric potential variations. Electrodes placed on the skin, pick up the electric potential variations, as well as an electroencephalogram (EEG ).
EEG recording includes several electrodes placed against one another, stacked on your head. EEG can distinguish mental states such as arousal, sleep, half conscious and conscious state. In the awakened state, rapid frequency beta waves occur in the EEG beta wave frequency increases with increasing concentration. Alpha waves occur in the EEG, whenever a person relaxes. Sleep is characterized by slow-wave rhythm (slow wave sleep), followed by waves of low amplitude fast (rapid eye movement sleep ).
, however, the surface EEG is only part of the brain activity. A large part of the signal generated from the inner lying brain structures were lost or flooded with other signals, and noise (electronic harassment), while recording.
neurologists, psychiatrists and psychologists use the EEG as a reliable diagnostic tool. Researchers use a combination of EEG recordings and brain imaging studies, for more specific diagnosis. Evoked potential studies, associated with EEG, pinpoints activity in certain brain areas.
EEG feedback training (neurofeedback) is a recent development for the treatment of neurological and behavioral disorders such as epilepsy, and sleep disorders. EEG feedback makes the seizure the patient understands the relationship between, and variation of EEG seizure that follows. He learns to regulate EEG spikes, and thus, self-regulating effects of deprivation. The sleep disorders, EEG feedback training provides awareness, sleep and arousal related EEG patterns. Later, the patient learns how to regulate the EEG patterns of gradual entry into the dream and excitement.
EEG feedback training treat bedwetting in young children successfully. It also provides necessary training for managing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Its effectiveness in treating ADHD and suggests that Neurofeedback increases attention span and focus.
Neurofeedback ability to increase the capacity of attention is the basis behind its usefulness in increasing efficiency in athletes, and business managers. NASA first used EEG feedback training to improve astronaut performance and management of seizure, during space travel.
Neurofeedback is widely used in sports. In sports such as gymnastics, swimming, shooting, archery and others, EEG feedback, it improves performance. During training, the subject seems to understand the relationship between EEG changes and see his situation of stress. By relaxing the subject of calm and concentration increases in performance.
The different types of skills are needed in various sports. Skilled archers for example, show higher alpha power in the left temporal area, just before the shooting. Archery is another area for consideration. Archers, show better performance, with the left temporal area of alpha feedback training, but, on the temporal area of training. The left temporal parietal area of the brain, controlling muscle movements associated with the development and performance of archery in the right hand.
, however, it is not that a general increase in Alpha activity measure, to improve sports performance. Other sports such as tennis, cricket, etc., require an increase in beta activity to enhance sexual arousal or maintenance of wakefulness, rather than increasing the focus.
Peak Performance Training (PPT) is a program of performance improvement. Corporate groups, use P.P.T. staff performance improvement. PPT provides the respondent with, understanding of current performance levels. To achieve performance improvements, the subject learns that the body and mind work together. EEG feedback can increase attention, focus, reduce functional errors, and increase the efficiency of the PPT
Tags: EEG feedback assisted sports t, EEG feedback training, neurofeedback, neurofeedback assisted sports performance enhancement, sports performance enhancement

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